
Our first priority is a justice system that effectively manages risk and puts safety first. We must hold people who break the law accountable, get treatment to those who need it, and support victims through smart justice strategies that improve safety and reduce costs.

SB 10 and AB 42: California Bail Reform (Assemblymember Rob Bonta and Senator Robert Hertzberg) This bill significantly reduces the use of money bail and move to a system where community safety, not wealth, is the basis for determining pretrial release. Provide pretrial services to help get people back to court and comply with court-ordered conditions of release.

Status: SB 10 was approved by the Governor on August 28, 2018.

SB 1232 (Sen Bradford)- CAL Victims Compensation Board This bill extends the time limit to file an application for compensation with the California Victims Compensation Board within three years after the victim turns 21, instead of 18, years of age.

Status: SB 1232 was approved by the Governor on September 30, 2018.

SB 1298 (Sen Skinner) – The Increasing Access of Employment Act. SB 1298 would prohibit the Department of Justice (DOJ) from reporting specified records within a person’s state summary criminal history information to specified requesters for employment, licensing, or certifying purposes and would require DOJ to provide the subject of the information with a copy of the summary information and at least five days to challenge its accuracy before releasing it to the requester.

Status: SB 1232 Was Held in Senate Appropriations Committee.

AB 2438 (Asm. Ting) – Automatic Withdrawal of plea. This bill requires the court to automatically expunge a conviction after a defendant has completed probation and fully complied with the sentence of the court.

Status: AB 2438 Was Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee.

AB 2701 (Asm. Rubio) – Victims of violent crimes: trauma recovery centers This bill, upon appropriation, creates a grant program administered by the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) to provide funding for school-based trauma recovery centers (TRCs).

Status: AB2701 Was Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee.